Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Design considerations

Today on Wednesday I'll explain couple of other things which I have to take into consideration with my projects. Not all of them are critical and have to be addressed now, but I'll try to explain them anyway.

1. Scale. 3D models are made 1:1 scale, already simplified. That way I am still able to measure and check critical dimensions, as they should be more or less the same on my 3D and on reference model, but having them already simplified will make whole process faster. I still haven't decided when I will scale them down - probably during sheets assembly, so all coloring will be done with full sized drawings. Target scale for models will be between 1:8 and 1:10 - I would rather do 1:8 to have bigger models and less details, so they will be actually doable, but if scaling is done as last step, I can always change it later on. Target is to have decent sized models of small robots (small robots have ~80cm, so 1:10 will give around 8cm model), and manageable sizes of big stuff (big ones are 4m in size, which makes massive 40cm model).

2. Small brothers. I decided that additionally to 1:10 robot, each one will be also available in simpler form, in 1:25 scale. That way small model can be given away, or kept in the office without much hassle.

3. Test assembly. For each model, before coloring step, I will make test assembly to check if dimensions are right - if something folds up nicely on screen, it doesn't mean it will fold up with real paper. Test assembly will be done without color, using other materials (especially glue) than normal models - test process doesn't have to be pretty, but it has to be fast.

4. Coloring. Will be done at the end, and I do not expect much problems - robots are generally mono colored anyway. Coloring at the end will allow me to check on test assembly if there are some areas where color changes have to be preserved across parts.

5. First model. Decided to make ABB's IRB 120 - smallest one. For couple of reasons actually - it will be simpler, faster and easier to make, and for sure I will mess something up - then it will be easier to rework in the future. Or maybe not, we'll see. Anyway, I do not know how long it will take me to make this model - right now I'm pretty busy, but in the end I want to get it done fast - it's always easy to start project, it's always hard to finish it properly. And .step files are available from ABB website. Second one - Mitsubishi RV-4, also tiny one - probably the smallest one I can make in 1:10 scale, with 250mm arms, so 25mm on model.

6. Upload. All models will be available on this blog in .pdf format, and I also plan to start github site just for finished models - it will be easier to find them. Of course, I know that there are probably less than five people interested in robots papercraft, but who knows - maybe someone will find it useful. For sure I will find it fun.



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